Excel-Power Query-Blank File Method
Method 1: Using a Blank File
Step 1: Generate Reports
First, generate the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet reports by following their respective guides.
Step 2: Access Power Query
- Open Excel and go to the Data tab.
- Click on Get Data, then select Other Sources.
- Choose Blank Query to open the Power Query Editor.
- In the Power Query Editor, go to the Home tab and select Advanced Editor.
- Remove the existing code and replace it with the provided code.
Token = "Bearer (Paste the Bearer Token Here)",
Url = "(Profit & Loss API URL)",
GetAPIData = (token as text) as record =>
Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents(Url, [Headers=[Authorization=token]])),
AnotherAPICall = if Record.HasFields(Source, {"url"}) then
Result = AnotherAPICall
FinalResult = GetAPIData(Token)
Replace the placeholder text with your actual Bearer Token and Report API URL and remove Brackets.
- Click Done.
Step 4: Finalize Data Import
- Click on Edit Credentials, select Connect, and set the Privacy level to Public.
- Click on Into Table.
- Click on the double-sided arrow next to the column header, then select Expand to new rows.
- Click OK to display the data in Excel.
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